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21st IUVSTA Summer School on Physics at the Nanoscale


We are pleased to announce the 21st IUVSTA Summer School on Physics at Nanoscale 2024, continuing the tradition of successful summer schools on nanostructures, surfaces and thin films.


The school programme aims to present current research directions at both tutorial and state-of-the-art levels. It provides a platform for students and young researchers to learn from leading scientists, discuss research plans and network with peers.


Date and venue

Date: 3-7 June 2024

Venue: Skalský Dvůr, Czech Republic


Who should attend?

If you're a young researcher interested in a wide range of physics topics, this is your chance to attend a school with a broad range of topics and network with like-minded people.


Register now!

For more information, visit our web. Secure your place by registering here.


The school is organised as the 21st Summer School of the International Union for Vacuum Science, Techniques and Applications (IUVSTA), which has endorsed it through its Nanometer Structures Division. The school is also part of the outreach activities of the Horizon Europe projects ALL2GaN - Affordable smart GaN IC solutions for greener applications and Pilatus, and is also supported by the Czech Academy of Sciences through the Strategy AV21 initiative.


Don't miss out!

Expand your horizons, network with leading scientists and contribute to cutting-edge research in physics. Join us at the 21st IUVSTA Summer School on Physics at the Nanoscale 2024.



LNSM Address: Cukrovarnická 10/112, 162 00, Prague 6, Czech Republic

LNSM E-mail:

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