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Laboratory of electron microscopy


The laboratory of electron microscopy (LEM) focuses on the complex characterization of inorganic materials at micro/nanoscale. LEM operates transmission and scanning electron microscopes with a wide range of analytical techniques as well as instruments for advanced sample preparation. Therefore, it is possible to examine both powder and bulk samples including thin layers. LEM focuses mainly on the study of metals and alloys, semiconductors, superconductors, oxide materials and minerals, but it can analyze almost any inorganic material.

In LEM, the following techniques are available: phase analysis (combination of chemical composition and crystal structure), morphological analysis of the phases, analysis of crystallographic orientation of grains, imaging of structures with atomic resolution and defects in the structure, or imaging of magnetic domains and their mutual orientation. Using in-situ microscopy, it is possible to observe microstructure changes during sample heating, creation of deformations upon mechanical strain or measure mechanical properties with nanoindentation.

The laboratory collaborates with research groups of the Institute of Physics and also with other scientific institutions from the Czech Republic and abroad on the research topics that require expertise in electron microscopy techniques.


  • Scanning electron microscope  FEI QUANTA 3D FEG

  • In-situ nanoindentor Hysitron PI 85 SEM PicoIndenter

  • Transmission electron microscope FEI Tecnai TF20 X-Twin

  • Transmission electron microscope Jeol JEM-1200EX

  • Scanning electron microscope FEI Phenom

LNSM Address: Cukrovarnická 10/112, 162 00, Prague 6, Czech Republic

LNSM E-mail:

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